On the way to work this morning, I listened to nice calm music and just thought about all kindsa happy memories. Things that I'll always look back on and smile. I thought about so many random things this morning and it's just totally made my day.
I remember the days of cleanin' houses and then pickin' up the boy from pre-k by 2:30. We'd go home and watch Barney together for hours. I hated Barney, I hated all the kids, I hated all the stupid songs, but sittin' there on the green carpet of our first house with the boy singin' along, it's one of the most awesome moments I had as a Mom.
I remember goin' to the mall with my Grandmother. Whether it was her takin' me back to school clothes shoppin' or her just goin' to Sears for some underoos, I loved walkin' through the mall with her.
Strangely enough, I love the memories of cleanin' our old house in Dallas. The girl wasn't thought about yet (so things were strangely quiet) and the boy was in pre-k. If I wasn't workin' cleanin' someone else's house, I loved to clean mine on nice cool Fall days listenin' to calming music. I miss that house. I wasn't sad to leave it, but lookin' back on it, I don't think I will ever love a house as much as that one. It was our first house and I've got so many cherished memories from it.
I loved layin' in bed and wathin' Ally McBeal.
I loved orderin' Johnny's Pizza to-go every Sunday and comin' home to watch the Sopranos.
My mom and I used to go to this one kid's consignment sale together. The best was the one in the fall. We'd get up at the ass crack of dawn, so we could be one of the first in line to get in. We'd have coffee and she'd make egg mcmuffins. We'd freeze our asses off. It was awesome. We may not do that anymore, but we do go shoppin' every year on the day after Thanksgiving.....it's a close second.
I loved all the days of painting things on the walls in our new house. Again with the nice cool days and good music. I had the help of a friend I no longer have, but still, those were good times.
yeah get up on that Halloween shit girl!
Jen A. - Yes, everything is better in the fall! I hope I can make it to some of the fall festivals this year. I too miss the days of a lot less "have to dos". Oh how do I miss those days.
and now my mind is all focused on candy corn....