Forget, forget, forget. Always.
Gettin' on phone to yell at someone (i.e. cable company)....go over what you need to say in your head first so you don't sound like a total fucktard.
Long blogs don't hold my attention.
Gettin' on phone to yell at someone (i.e. cable company)....go over what you need to say in your head first so you don't sound like a total fucktard.
Long blogs don't hold my attention.
Suck at tellin' jokes, wanna be good at trivia.
One main issue.....attention span....ain't got none.....Does it equal laziness???
One main issue.....attention span....ain't got none.....Does it equal laziness???
See that list? That list is how I function on a day to day basis. I started writing the below red colored paragraphs and kept getting lost and had to stop to write down the above things so I could remember to touch on them.
I can't remember shit. I can't stay focused. I have to write anything and everything down if I wanna remember it. I cannot multi-task. To see me tryin' to multi-task is to see a retard jerkin' around in a strobe light. What's my damn problem???
Did I do a shit ton of drugs when I was a kid? No. That shit's for hippies. Ok, so I did do some, but I quickly moved on.
I have a million things that I wanna to do. I think about doing them, but that's as far as I get. I have a severe case of no motivation. I'm lazy. Way lazy.....but am I really? Maybe I just have a focus issue. I CAN'T do more than one thing at a time. Just can't. When I'm interrupted, it takes me two years to get back to whatever I was doing. It's gettin' worse and worse too. Don't interrupt me. Ever.
I have so many issues that there's gotta be a pill that can help me with at least a few of them. Not that I'd take it, because if my finger got cut off, I'd just take Ibuprofen. I don't EVER take medicine.....I think if you take medicine to fix one thing, it'll give you some other issue that you'll need another pill to fix and on and on and on.
First problem.....I'll think of something and think "I gotta remember that for later" somethin' I wanna google or somethin' funny I wanna tell Jeremy. Not two seconds later, it's gone. I try SO HARD to remember random things, but I just can't retain them. I just wanna be able to tell a joke to someone without totally fuckin' it up, by forgettin' it half way through. When I was a teenager, I was ALWAYS writing on my wrists. Sometimes there'd be a whole damn list of shit on my was the only way I was able to pass anything.
Do I have ADD? They make a pill for that....I know.
and yeah Asshole.....that's what I was goin' for....burnin' yer retinas.....MWUAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing