Everyone grieves differently. Some people tend to keep it together as much as humanly possible so they can take care of everyone else, then they break down when they're finally alone. Some people flip their shit and go over the deep end which tends to make a lot of people uncomfortable, because what do you say to a person that's flipped their shit? Some people hole themselves up and just want to be alone, while others need to surround themselves with as many friends/family as possible. Then there's the people that decided no one loved the person that passed more than they did and no one is entitled to hurt like they are. All those people do is inflict unnecessary pain on others in a time where people are already hurting so deeply. Losing someone close to you hurts. Bad.....and crazy things come of it usually. Some good, some not so good. It can cause the people closest involved to make rash decisions that are irresponsible and hurtful to everyone else involved. You ar...