Clever use of words there huh? Yeah, not really. I'm bored. I need to be
home sewing. I have SO MUCH sewing I need to do. I gotta have all my bears to the Spruill Gallery by the 22nd and still don't have poo done.

I'm still finding it hard to get motivated to spend hours upon hours sewing these little creatures when no one is buying them in the first place. I've had just a few up on etsy for months now and they've just sat there.
The whiney self concious part of me thinks that people are so over my bears...."Oh My Gah, those are SO last year" is what I imagine they're saying. Who "they" are, I have no idea.

Then, there are all the other voices (not the one's on my head, these voices are from actual people!) telling me to not be discouraged. They say it's like those for most everyone. The economy blows. No one's buying anything. Ok, then why bust my ass to get it all done? I got other things to do yo.
Combine it all and it really comes down to the fact that I've just been making excuses for not sewing. Today though, today is different. You know what I say today? I say so what! Yeah, so what that the stinkin' economy
blows? So what that I have a hundred million things I need to be doin'? So what if I'm only one person and am only capable of doin' so damn much? SO FREAKIN' WHAT!?!?!

I got sewin' to do. Anybody wanna help?!?!
I'm glad you're writing regularly now. Its rockin!