As if my chubby gnawed fingernail little boy hands don't look bad enough, you wouldn't believe how my poor hands look now. I've spent the last week sewing until my fingers might fall off, BUT it paid off. I managed to take 20 somethin' bears to the Spruill Gallery for their Holiday Artist Market. YAY bears!

I don't know if the place is haunted or not, but it's definitely a unique place for an art gallery.
While I was there, I talked briefly with the curator who asked if I happened to make Christmas stockings. "Uh, no, but I totally can". AND I totally will!!! I love the challenge of making new things and it kinda lights a fire under my ass knowing I gotta have 'em done by THIS FREAKIN' WEEKEND!!! Here's just a few I did yesterday. I still need to come up with a few ideas, but I think I've gotten off to a pretty good start.
Let's just hope I can get a decent amount there before the market opens to the public!
Opening reception
Market Hours
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Monday – Saturday
Family Day
Sunday, December 1411:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Bring your kids for some fun art-making, holiday fun!