First, let me say my regular post is just below and here is a preview......
HOWEVER, you must first read this before you get to THAT!
I started this blog to showcase my crafty stuff, but that's such a teeny part of my life that it didn't last long. I love to write. A lot. I used to do it all the time and had kinda forgotten about it until I realized I could use my blog to do it. I got a lot of retarded stuff in my brain and I really just need to get some of it out so I can fill it with more crap and it's a bonus that I can get it out there for people to read.

I started this blog to showcase my crafty stuff, but that's such a teeny part of my life that it didn't last long. I love to write. A lot. I used to do it all the time and had kinda forgotten about it until I realized I could use my blog to do it. I got a lot of retarded stuff in my brain and I really just need to get some of it out so I can fill it with more crap and it's a bonus that I can get it out there for people to read.
Anyhow, I can know that people look at my blog and a few little details about each of you because of the tracker thingy, but I wanna know who you are! SO, leave me a comment and tell me! Tell me anything. Randomness can so make a person's day.
Just to give you a little further incentive, I will randomly pick a few people and send you something totally ridiculous (if you'll give up your address that is) as a thanks for letting me know who you are. Hell, you can even stay anonamous, just leave me a comment! BUT, if you want an awesome and probably cheap surprise, just leave your email address in the comment (I totally won't spam you, that's shit's lame). I don't have any fancy randomness picker thing, so I will close my eyes and pick. I might even send something to everyone...I'm in a pretty giving mood these days.
Now, tell me who you are! Just leave me a random comment sometime this week (11-25 thru 11-30 only) with your email address and I'll get in touch with you for your address. It only takes a second....C'Mon, you know you want something awesome sent to you!
Thanks and YOU have an awesome day!

Fine Print......
I curse anyone that reads this and doesn't leave me a comment with poop soup for THREE WHOLE DAYS! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
After you leave a comment you MUST read about this......

Okay, no, not really. I just randomly popped over from craftastrophe, and I had to comment and ask if you did NaNoWriMo this year, because for some reason that hat makes me think of NaNoWriMo!
Oh, and I totally didn't want poop soup over Thanksgiving holidays. lol.
1. putting exclamation points at the end of every sentence!!!
2. Preach that I don't drink coffee, but continually drink it anyways.
3. Pouncing & Stalking my kitties (and co-workers too really). They never expect that!
I read.