Awesome. That's what I am. So awesome that I'm featured on Cooking for Asshole's blog and I didn't have to pay him one penny. Not that he's anything special, but at least he recognizes me for all of my awesomeness....even though he totally talks shit about me and says something about me being Japanese just because I couldn't my panties on right one day...psht....what an asshole.

Despite the fact that he's an asshole, he writes one of my favorite blogs. He thinks we're all stupid and suck ass at cookin'. He will berate you and belittle you and cook a pork roast at the same time.
Be aware though....he cooks a bunch vegetarian hippie shit......claiming his wife's a vegetarian....I think meat just gives him the shits so he doesn't make a lot of it.
If you're one of them beer drinkers, this Asshole thinks he's some sorta beer connoisseur (I say he's just a drunk). He drinks all kinds weird shit. I mean really, why not just sit down and have a whiskey instead of drinking some weird ass beer that you know just tastes like puke infused with fruit?
Whatever. Go read his shit. He'll make you laugh. Leave a comment and he just might have something rude to say back to you.
Interesting marketing ploy! Sounds like home!
In other news: a friend gave us that flavored soup mix as a joke, but that stuffs good! Doesn't take like cock at all!
I also had a friend give us some cock flavored soup....glad to know it doesn't tast like cock!