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I Could TOTALLY See Russia From My House!

Some of my really funny friends (as they so deem themselves) who knew I had lived in Alaska have asked me if I could see Russia from my house when I was there.
Sha. I TOTALLY could! See? It's right........there......Not only did I live in Alaska, I lived at a sawmill in Wasilla where this Pallin lady lives. How the hell did I end up in Wasilla, Alaska? Honestly, I had asked myself that same question over and over. As soon as I tell you though you'll totally get it. At least all you girls will.
I followed a boy there. I was 17. I was smitten and he wanted to go on to bigger and better things and wherever he went, I was gonna follow. I dropped outta high school, packed up my junk, said good bye to all my friends and was headed to experience those bigger and better things. I was starting a new life.

I lasted three months. No matter how smitten I thought I was, I had to get the hell outta dodge. Not only was it freezing ass cold (which I eventually got used to), but we also had no heat except for what came from an open flame on the propane powered stove. If we wanted electricity, we had to use a generator which we rarely ever really did (which meant no 90210!!!). We also had no running water. Yep, you take a poo and you gotta dump water down the toilet from a bucket instead of flushing and we had to go the a laundromat to shower which only happened every few days. Didn't matter, it was too cold to sweat and get all stinky. Crazy huh? OH! Did I mention that we lived in one of those trailers you pull behind a truck? Yeah. It was something like 19 feet long and 7 feet wide. AWESOME!

After about a month, the shine was wearing off. I missed my friends and my busy sweet ass teenage life. I mean, I loved my boyfriend and all, but I I needed my friends more than I had loved him. It was a hard hard realization to come to, but it was what it was. I was SEVENTEEN! I was so ready to go home. I had started to hate Alaska. There's just only so much Yahtzee a girl can play by the flame of a flickering lamp before she starts goin' absofreakinlutely batty.
Now, almost 15 years later, I see that experience as a much different one. I love the memories I have. I cherish them all. Despite how I felt while I was there, I now remember everything in that soft fuzzy glow they use for the centerfolds in Playboy magazine. I saw things I will probably never see again. I experienced things that I will most likely never again experience and now the smell of fresh cut wood (you know, living on a sawmill and all!) is one of my most favorite smells ever. I saw wolves (I even had one for a pet, but couldn't bring her home with me),I was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of the northern lights (absolutely STUNNING), I saw ginormous meese (I know, I just like it better than mooses!) in our yard, and I even saw Eagles flying around free.
Alaska was amazing. It is the single most beautiful place I have ever been and I hope to go back some day.


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