(This picture was taken Monday afternoon.....minus Kanye of course!)
Sunday, this was the main road just off the street we live on. We thought it was pretty bad. It got much worse.
We woke up Monday morning to a busted water heater and a little water in our basement. Even though the rain had continued through the night, the street had cleared up and school hadn't been cancelled as I'd expected it would've been.
I took the kids to school and by the time Jeremy (who had already taken the day off so he could have a nice relaxin' day off.....HA!) and I headed out to buy a new hot water heater the road had flooded again. It was STILL raining. When we got home, our basement had started takin' in water. We had two friends come over to help move everything outta the basement (just in the nick of time!) and Jeremy's dad came over to help install the hot water heater while Jeremy started vacuuming the water up.
I knew things were only gonna get worse so at 12:30 my friend Chewy and I headed to pick up the kids from school which are both less than three miles from the house. I got the girl with no trouble.....just an insane downpour of rain. On the way to get the boy, the road had flooded in two places. A truck that was in front of us plowed right through it, so I put it in 4 hi and followed. By the time I got the boy and headed back, the road was completely impassible. The places I had just come through were blocked off by fire trucks and there were stalled cars.
I tried half a dozen different ways home, all of which were impassible. I about lost my mind.
Four and a half hours later, we made it home.
The entire basement flooded by then. We had two shop vacs goin' and we were barely makin' a dent in the water. Jeremy had been at it for hours. So much for that relaxin' day off.
Without the help of Jeremy's dad and our friends Big Butt Chad and Chewy, we would probably still not have hot water and a lot of the shit in the basement would have water damage. We are eternally grateful for their help.....and grateful for the friends that were willing to head out in the flood of the century to help.
Our basement is still wet and smells a little sour and our kitchen/dining room are overflowing with all the furniture and stuff that we had to bring up.
The house next door had a virtual river in their back yard. Just two houses down, the creek completely took over a neighbor's basement. There are houses just up the road that were submerged in water up to their windows. Cars and even children that have been swept away.
We are lucky, lucky, lucky.
.....and there's more rain comin'.