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Everbody's Gotta Love Somethin'

Our boy turned 14 over the weekend and for his birthday, we took him to the Dragon-Con parade. The thought of being around thousands and thousands of......dragon-con type people was just shy of torture for me and Jeremy, but it's what the boy wanted and both he and the girl were SUPER excited about dressin' up. The boy dressed up as Naruto and the girl was....the girl.
While we were waiting for the parade to start, I went into Starbucks and got pretty damn excited when I saw that even Wookie's get a hankerin' for a Starbucks sometimes.

With my Starbucks in hand, I tried my best not to make eye contact with any of the.....dragon-con type people around me. I wanted to avoid any and all talk of droogs, or mogs or shakira or any other.... whatever. Turns out it don't matter if you look some people's way or not, they're way too excited about cartoons and galaxies a million years away to not talk to you about it.

I had some 4 foot tall fat red headed chick with no neck (yeah, I ain't talkin' about myself) standin' next to me that thought she needed to point out every cartoon and scifi character she recognized. I just kept sayin' "I have no idea who that is, I have no idea who that is" Finally, I had to just turn my back to the chick and ignore her. The kids were all whinin' about "when's the parade gonna start?" and between the chatty fat chick and the kids, I just couldn't do it anymore. All my nice ran out.

FINALLY the parade started.....WOOOOOO!!!! Some of the first people were dressed as the characters from Spaceballs. That was AWESOME. I love Spaceballs.

Then there was the Six Flags guy.

I almost fell out when I realized who was in this car......
......freakin' Bo Duke! Oh man the fantasies I had about him as a kid....and yea, Daisy's there too.

I thought this dude...err whatever the hell it was, was gonna poke my freakin' eye out through my camera lense. That shit woulda hurt.

Of course there were like a kabillion Stormtroopers.....but these? In kilts? Even stormtroopers are hot as shit in kilts. From what I understand some of these guys get bored and mix things up each year by wearin' different things on their bottom half.

These Mad Max people were insane. I wanna be a card carryin' member .

....about made me puke. Seriously, like milk foam comin' out my nose and all.

Here we have the periodic table. Yeah. I'm glad I didn't have to hear the conversation that happened when that decision was made.
...and Monty Python and the Holy Grail....

....and a bunch of boys (and one girl) that didn't eat or drink for three days before the parade. I'd be lyin' though if I said they weren't about hot as shit....they totally a Gerard Butler, 300 sorta way. One of the best movies....EVER.

Among the hundreds of Star Wars costumes, there were several people dressed up in Star Wars costumes made from boxes.

Here's Jeremy and the kids with our friend Jason....errr....Lord Stan....err Satan and his kids......Ha, Ha....Lord Stan. Evidently when you get your Dragoncon badges, you get to have whatever name you want put on it so our friend Jason decided to go with Lord Satan....he got Lord Stan last year. HA! HA! HA! HA!
This guy really cracked me up. Look, all he could afford was the Darth Vader helmet. He's got the rest of the shit on layaway at the Darth Vader Store......

Finally the parade ended so we could leave and the girl would finally shut up all her complainin' about starvin' half to death. The boy loved the parade. I don't think he wanted it to end, and yeah, I'll admit it, the parade was pretty freakin' sweet. I love playin' dress up. Who am I to think all these people are.....dragon-con types? Everybody's gotta love somethin'.


good post. never would have thought something like that could be interesting. you got some good shots
Thanks Jen! It was actually pretty awesome...kinda like the L5P Halloween parade on steriods.
That actually looked a whole lot more fun than I thought it would be! OHHH I seen J sporting a HIT & RUN shirt! Also, Harley looks just like his mama in that pic!

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