On Sunday, we all got up at the ass crack o' dawn to get ready to head down to Drive Invasion. Even though I went to bed around midnight I probably had maybe 4 hours of sleep because I was so excited.
I dragged ass, made breakfast for everyone and checked to make sure we had everything loaded in the car that we needed. The plan was to leave at 8am sharp. I'm sure our neighbors loved us. Eight o'clock in the mornin' and we had a several bikes and my loud as car idlin' in the cul-de-sac waitin' on one person. Sorry neighbors.
We got to the Drive In just a little after 9 and the line was already out to the road. The whole point of me leavin' so early is so I can avoid that long line, because the process of actually gettin' in the gate is a long one (when you're in an old ass car that wants to overheat). After about 5 minutes in line I had to turn the heat on so Bess could cool down a bit...awesome. Thankfully the line moved a little faster than past years, but I was sweatin' my ass off by the time we made our way down the hill.
Once I figured out where I was gonna park, my car just kinda died. She was done. THEN some parkin' nazi comes up and tells me I gotta move over, I'm crossin' the yellow line, takin' up more space than I should. I wanted to tell him to go kick some fuckin' rocks. My car was DONE for a while...let the bitch rest, DAMN....but I just gave him my best evil eye and got back in my car. I had 5 gallons of pink drink in my trunk waitin' on me and the longer I stood there and argued with the dude, the longer it would've taken for me to get to it.
Fifteen minutes later and with the help of some boys pushin', I successfully moved Bess over the 4 inches the parkin' nazi insisted upon.....then I decided I wanted to turn my car around to face the other direction. Poor girl. By 9:30 I got my shit situated and started my first cup of the pink drink.

Over the next hour, the people poured in and we actually managed to all park together this year.....

Rock 'n Roll Tiger......

Drunk bitches....

Bess makin' boys look tough....
I dragged ass, made breakfast for everyone and checked to make sure we had everything loaded in the car that we needed. The plan was to leave at 8am sharp. I'm sure our neighbors loved us. Eight o'clock in the mornin' and we had a several bikes and my loud as car idlin' in the cul-de-sac waitin' on one person. Sorry neighbors.
We got to the Drive In just a little after 9 and the line was already out to the road. The whole point of me leavin' so early is so I can avoid that long line, because the process of actually gettin' in the gate is a long one (when you're in an old ass car that wants to overheat). After about 5 minutes in line I had to turn the heat on so Bess could cool down a bit...awesome. Thankfully the line moved a little faster than past years, but I was sweatin' my ass off by the time we made our way down the hill.
Once I figured out where I was gonna park, my car just kinda died. She was done. THEN some parkin' nazi comes up and tells me I gotta move over, I'm crossin' the yellow line, takin' up more space than I should. I wanted to tell him to go kick some fuckin' rocks. My car was DONE for a while...let the bitch rest, DAMN....but I just gave him my best evil eye and got back in my car. I had 5 gallons of pink drink in my trunk waitin' on me and the longer I stood there and argued with the dude, the longer it would've taken for me to get to it.
Fifteen minutes later and with the help of some boys pushin', I successfully moved Bess over the 4 inches the parkin' nazi insisted upon.....then I decided I wanted to turn my car around to face the other direction. Poor girl. By 9:30 I got my shit situated and started my first cup of the pink drink.

Over the next hour, the people poured in and we actually managed to all park together this year.....

For some crazy reason, I just didn't take as many pictures as I usually do. Normally I have well over 300 pictures for the two days. Even though it was only one day this year, I think I only took just over 60. Nuts.
So here's some of them......
Two of my favorite people....
Rock 'n Roll Tiger......

Drunk bitches....

Bess makin' boys look tough....