I hate looking for pictures on flickr to include in my blog and somehow coming across one of myself where I was skinny for a minute (came across this one when I was looking for a picture of a rearview mirror....weird). Yes, I do love buns. Especially J's. You should see his ass.....freakin' awesome I tell ya....he's got a BIG OL' ASS!!!...and I have none.....another thing I hate....ugh.
I hate razor burn. HATE IT. Especially during the summer. I'm about the hottest most sweatinest person ever so razor burn blows. I must get some of this......It works for reals.
I hate people that think smokers are criminals. Really? They smoke yo. That shit ain't illegal so shut your mouth about it already. Why you gotta be all eyeballin' somebody when you walk into a bar and on the way in you gotta walk through a cloud of smoke. You're the reason they're smoking outside on the sidewalk! SHUT UP! Find something else to bitch about. Enough is enough already! Gah.

Even though they cause me endless amounts of entertainment, I hate fake ass people. Why be fake? Everybody can see through that shit yo and you just end up embarrassin' yerself.
I hate that my car speakers don't have enough bass. When I wanna dance and I just ain't feelin' it, there's a problem. BASS! I need more BASS!!!!
The end.