How freakin' precious is this?

It's my bother and I back in god knows when. This would be our first year cheerleading/playing football for the rec center.
....and for those of you that didn't know, yes I was totally a cheerleader.....for years. I freakin' LOVED it! What's not to love about cartwheels and flipdeedoos and dancing and screaming at the top of your lungs for HOURS? Then there were all the young hot sweaty boys that were just drowning in their own testosterone and us girls were WAY out numbered. Ah, the good ol' days.
My last days of cheerleading were troubled with issues of pink hair and too many opinions. How is pink hair inappropriate for cheeleading? I was only showing pizazz....kinda like jazz hands, but not. I was too good for them anyway. My ideas freaked them out. They couldn't handle it....I was way ahead of my time.
Yeah, cheerleaders suck. So what. I'd do it all over again, hell, I'm still doin' it. Just put enought liquor in me.

It's my bother and I back in god knows when. This would be our first year cheerleading/playing football for the rec center.
....and for those of you that didn't know, yes I was totally a cheerleader.....for years. I freakin' LOVED it! What's not to love about cartwheels and flipdeedoos and dancing and screaming at the top of your lungs for HOURS? Then there were all the young hot sweaty boys that were just drowning in their own testosterone and us girls were WAY out numbered. Ah, the good ol' days.
My last days of cheerleading were troubled with issues of pink hair and too many opinions. How is pink hair inappropriate for cheeleading? I was only showing pizazz....kinda like jazz hands, but not. I was too good for them anyway. My ideas freaked them out. They couldn't handle it....I was way ahead of my time.
Yeah, cheerleaders suck. So what. I'd do it all over again, hell, I'm still doin' it. Just put enought liquor in me.