It's all set! We're goin' to PC soon for a family vacation with some friends. Six adults, three kids. Anyone know where I can get Valium? Nah, I'll be fine....I hope. The last time I was in PC, I was 14. We had a BLAST. I'll save the details since my Mom reads this. I gotta start tanning now so I don't get sun poisoning and while I'm there, I must remember to get myself an airbrushed t-shirt.

I'm tired of zits. I freakin' thirty something and still get that shit! Really it's like a cruel, cruel joke. You'd think that the powers that be would cut you some slack ya know? Once you hit 30, you start getting hairs in weird places, you gotta work 16 times as hard as a 20 year old to lose any weight and hangovers are WAAAYYY worse. Really.....come me some slack zit fairy.
97 degree weather sucks balls. I ain't lookin' for a picture of that either. It just is. I'm hot. All day. Everyday. I can't cool down to save my life. My hair looks like ass from all the humidity and all that sweatin' is makin' my skin break out. Heat is stupid.
Dang it.....I gotta go pay bills.