Some little ol' lady in a dank basement in Japan is custom sewin' one to fit him. It's basically a one piece red and black leotard and bless his heart, I know he's got this image in his head of how he's gonna look all bad ass with swords and guns and shit, but honestly, he's gonna look more like one of them creepy skinny dudes at a Cirque du Soleil show.
Oh Lord please help me.
I always want to be the supportive mom. Wear what ya want, do what ya want....as long as it doesn't hurt yourself or anyone else. That's what I've always said. As a mom, I don't want my kids to ever feel like I'm judging them negatively because of what they love to wear.
I'm ok with the fact that he's still gonna be wearin' costumes to Dragoncon when he's 40, but at 14....wearin' a red and black leotard and trickertreatin'. I'm not too sure about that. I know it's so much better than what so many other kids are doin' at 14.......I mean when I was 14......yeah, well......
I think I'll go to one of those Halloween shops and buy him a muscle man suit to put under his leota.......I mean....Mean BAD ASS Dead Pool Costume. Yes, yes....I will.
Bless his little pea pickin' heart, he needs 'em!