All these........
Have been replaced with these.......

A few years back, I had a thing for Publix brand Ginger Ale, but this? This shit BURNS sooooo good....

I have this......

....but I wanna move on to this......

I don't deal so well with change, but sometimes change is for the better....and it's inevitable.
Have been replaced with these.......
A few years back, I had a thing for Publix brand Ginger Ale, but this? This shit BURNS sooooo good....
I have this......

....but I wanna move on to this......

The was my best friend, always full of gin and tonic.....
...but I've moved on to the pink drknk. This shit's AMAZING and before you know it, you're on the ground......
I used to shake my ass to this......
(so I still shake it to this, but after their drummer was a TOTAL douche bag to me, I've lost a little bit of that lovin' feelin')
...but now I'm more inclined to shake my ass to this.....
I don't deal so well with change, but sometimes change is for the better....and it's inevitable.