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You Only Live Once....

.....So live it up I say!

Yesterday I got an email from my friend Lisa that said Rob Zombie was filming parts of his next movie H2 here in Atlanta and was looking for extras. All you needed to do was send an email with your phone number, height, size clothes you wear and a few pictures of yourself.

As awesome as I thought it would be to be an extra in the film, my initial reaction was "I'd never get chosen, plus I gotta work". The more I thought about it, the more I figured why not? They worst I could get is no response or a direct no and I could handle both. Doesn't hurt to try (that seems to be a common thought these days!). I have plenty of vacation days ahead of me and what an awesome experience this could be. I've only got one life to live and I'm gonna live it up!

So, I sent in all the info and got a response asking if I had a costume I could wear. Uh, well....let's see.....I have a Strawberry Shortcake costume from my slighty skinnier days (which I would gladly squeeze my honkin' ass into) and I have a huge, obnoxious, ridiculous tangerine prom like dress. Did I mention that it was huge? and tangerine?

When I checked my email this morning I had another email saying I had been chosen to be an extra and they wanted me to wear the dress and to expect an email later this week with all the details. HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME IS THAT!?!?!?!
I can guarantee that if I don't make it onto the big screen, you will most definitely see my dress. I did tell you it was huge and tangerine right? Oh yeah, it has sparkles too! Maybe I'll even wear my rollerskates. Hmmm.

On a totally different subject, but still on the "livin' it up" subject, the ad for our show that will run in Prick is finished! Brandy did such an awesome job on it! She had a lot of info to fit in a small area, but it looks sweet! I can't wait to have a color version of it!
It's crazy how things are movin' right along! Life is good....and WAY freakin' awesome! We're only here for a short time so live life with no regrets. Love your family and friends. Don't let the man bring you down. Good things do not come to those who wait. Good things come to those that get off their asses and go get 'em!



Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHA, I can't wait to see your bedazzled tangerine ass!

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