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My 15 Minutes (Part One)

Rumors were runnin' like crazy that there were gonna be way more people show up to be extras for Rob Zombie's H2 than were needed and that it would be sort of a "first come first serve" type thing.

We were told to show up at the Drive In at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday. I had my tookis there at 6:30. I had taken the days off work and I'd be damned if I'd hauled my ass outta bed that early and had my mom drive 45 minutes to my house at the ass crack 'o dawn to take the kids to school for nothin'.
When I pulled up to the gate, I was quickly recognized as the "girl with the hair". God if I just got paid every time someone said something about my hair! I was check off a list and given my name tag.
When I got there it was still dark and there was only small handful of people. THAT was rumor number one.
Three tour buses full of extras left around 7:45 a.m. (with a fourth one to head back later) to head for Newborn, GA. It took about an hour to get to the location. On the bus we were given forms to fill out so we could get paid and everyone was given a piece of colored tape according to what type of makeup the would be getting. There was heavy makeup (weird noses, eyebrows, worms crawlin' out ya face whatever), light makeup for heavily tattooed people (me) and full body for those that would go nekkid. The girl sitting next to me went for full body. She said I should too....."you only live once". My response? "Yeah, so does everyone else here and they don't need to see that shit in their one lifetime".

Once at the location, we all got on our costumes and got in line for makeup. I had my hairs did first before I put on the dress from hell though. There was a lot of teasing and about a can of aquanet. Next came the sticks, vines, moss, dirt and bobby pins. After hair, I needed makeup and the line was insane long. YAY for lines. It kept going......and going......
and going....
The Splatter Cinema/Spook Show guys had about 3 hours to have 200-300 (I suck at guesstimating) people airbrushed and ready to be on set by 1:00 p.m. Those guys busted that shit out! What a kick ass job they did too! Because the inner squirrel in me wouldn't let me stay in line for more than a few minutes at a time, I ended up being at the back and by the time it was my turn for makeup, I think they were airbrushed out. I got a swoosh of pink and purple at my eyes and was scooted along the way. In a sea of monsters, zombies, and other scary shit there was me....the pretty pretty princess. I thought it was pretty freakin' fantastic.

By the time we were all done with makeup, we were all starving and ready to eat before we got on the set. I thought it'd be pretty dern interesting to see some of these people eating with all the shit all over their faces. As it turned out though, it would be a long time before we ate. We went straight to the set and the party began......

To be continued......


ewwww, i can't wait to hear more! you look wicked!

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