Tomorrow's the first day of the H2 filming so I needed to try on the dress I planned to wear to make sure it fit ok in all the right places. Whoever had it before me was a chunky chick with no boobs so she had taken it in and added those little chicken cutlet things. Well, this chunky chick has major boobs so I thought at the very least, I would need to take the extra padding out. Once I got it on though, that extra padding just pushed my boobs way up so I decided I'd leave it.
After about 15 minutes in the dress, I was sweating and ridiculously uncomfortable. It has so much boning in it that it keeps you painfully sitting up straight. I just sat on the couch miserable thinking there is NO WAY I can be in this thing for 10-11 hours, two days in a row. Then another thought occurred to me.....don't they usually have portapotties on movie sets? Uh yeah, I don't think that dress was made for people that ever. Hell, I don't even know that I could fit in a portapotty with that dress. I can see it now. One person's gonna have to hold the door open for me, I'm gonna have to hike up the back of the dress and slowly back in while another person holds the dress for me. Holy Jesus......

and.. it's official.. I need a boob job. I am the poster child BWB without the BOOBs.. you all have killer racks & I got squat..
2. Tomorrow is April 1 so you should play your kidney joke on other people.
3. The dress would be awesome for a photo shoot in a pool!