I have had what amounts to no more than a one night stand with a city that I have fallen head over heals in love with.

It's a city that never sleeps. There's everything everywhere. People everywhere all the time. Always. Chances are if you bump into someone on the street, they'll threaten to sue you, but if you're lost and need help with directions, ask anybody and they'll oblige.

It's a city with endless photograph opportunities. A city where people don't speak english in some parts and I'm ok with that. A city where I want to know what's goin' on behind all those windows. A city where I wanna live in a highrise and have a telescope so I can watch people doin' it across the way in another highrise. A city where I wanna live in a brownstone so I can sit on the stoop and watch the kids play jump rope in the street.

I wanna be able to go to Chinatown whenever I want so I can buy fresh stinky fish,
Bing Cherries for $1 pound,
weird lookin' drinks, Asian porn and all the fake purses a girl could want. I wanna go to the Italian grocery fresh prosciotto and mozzarella. 

I wanna walk through Central Park when all the leaves and turnin' red and orange
and when the snow is just starting to fall.....
I wanna walk my kids to PS...whatever everyday on my way to work which I'll get to by hoppin' on the subway.
I wanna have a little deli that I stop at all the time where the owner always gives me a hard time because I remind him of his wife of 40 years' sister who he hates. 

I want to be in a city where you're nobody and everybody all at the same time. 

New York City holds some amazing grasp on me and I barely know it. It turns me into an ooey gooey sentimental baby. It has seduced me and there's nothing I can do about it.
In another lifetime.