FINALLY! Cold weather's on it's way and it's about to get WAY freakin' colder. Like lows in the teens and highs in the 30's. I know for some of you that read this that ain't shit, but whatever!
It's so cold that this morning when I went to Starbucks for my grande Salted Caramel Espresso Truffle (uh yeah, heaven), there was a chick there turning in an application and she was still in her house slippers! No shit! She was so cold that her limbs were too stiff for her to bend down to tie a pair of shoes. I pointed at her and laughed. She flipped me off. I blew her a kiss. I wish I'd had my camera.
Because the temperature is supposed to only drop today, I told the girl she had to dress super warm so her skinny ass little self wouldn't freeze. She actually managed to get long john's under her already ridiculously skinny skinny jeans.
She did an awesome job at bundling up seeing as how there's hardly ever a need to do that here.....god, what a spazz!
Last night we did finally manage to buy an ass ton of firewood. YAY! I love having a fire in the house. It's all warm and cozy and makes the house smell all yummy. It kinda makes me wish I lived somewhere else where I could have a fire all the time. Somewhere like....Maine. Yeah, MAINE! I mean seriously it's stunning and I wanna live of today.... and in THIS house that's along the Rangeley Maine.
Yeah, so back to reality. It'll be cold here for a day or two, then it'll be in the 60's by the middle of next week. I seriously hate the weather in the south. Stupid weather.
Today we should be getting another crate so we can keep Mama in the living room with us instead of her going downstairs with the other dogs. Bless her heart. Last night she didn't hardly do any circling, choosing to sleep on the loveseat instead.
She did stand up once (on the loveseat) though and just shove her face in the pillows. It was REALLY weird. She just stood there with her face rammed into the pillows until J got up and moved her. I told him it's like we have a deaf retarded kid in the house now. She couldn't hear worth a shit in the first place, but now, now it's like all of a sudden all she understands in Yiddish and we don't speak Yiddish. Last night, when we got back from getting firewood, I didn't see her anywhere. I called her and she didn't come. I walked into the living room and she was stuck between the wall and the Christmas tree (yeah, it's still up....what?). She was just standing there. Stuck.
Anyhow, yeah, it's cold. I gotta go buy some marshmallows to roast. I'm totally lame like that.
It's so cold that this morning when I went to Starbucks for my grande Salted Caramel Espresso Truffle (uh yeah, heaven), there was a chick there turning in an application and she was still in her house slippers! No shit! She was so cold that her limbs were too stiff for her to bend down to tie a pair of shoes. I pointed at her and laughed. She flipped me off. I blew her a kiss. I wish I'd had my camera.
Because the temperature is supposed to only drop today, I told the girl she had to dress super warm so her skinny ass little self wouldn't freeze. She actually managed to get long john's under her already ridiculously skinny skinny jeans.
Last night we did finally manage to buy an ass ton of firewood. YAY! I love having a fire in the house. It's all warm and cozy and makes the house smell all yummy. It kinda makes me wish I lived somewhere else where I could have a fire all the time. Somewhere like....Maine. Yeah, MAINE! I mean seriously it's stunning and I wanna live of today.... and in THIS house that's along the Rangeley Maine.

Today we should be getting another crate so we can keep Mama in the living room with us instead of her going downstairs with the other dogs. Bless her heart. Last night she didn't hardly do any circling, choosing to sleep on the loveseat instead.
Anyhow, yeah, it's cold. I gotta go buy some marshmallows to roast. I'm totally lame like that.