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Santa Claus Came to Town and So Did Some Other Weird Ass Critters!

The Santa Parade in Kennesaw went and got all fancy on me this year! They had roads blocked off well in advance of the start of the parade. Usually there's cars motorin' on down the way minutes before the start. This kinda sucked for us though since in prior years we've never had any problems gettin' there at the last minute. No bueno this bueno my friends. We had to walk. Blech....exercise totally blows. They also had an announcer for the parade! Like I said, they got all fancy and organized and stuff this year! They were all Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade like.

Of course there was candy bein' chucked out. If you ask me, there's never enough. My kids always end up fighting over some stupid candy bar that has nuts in it and the girl can't even have nuts! Here they are. The girl's all cranky because her brother's candy cane is "way better" than hers. Um, yeah.
There was a lot more awesomeness in the parade this year too. There was SEVERAL dog rescues so that meant plenty of miserable dogs in those cutie wootie widdle head thingies wingies. You just wanted to grab them by there floppy widdle ears and baby talk them all - day - long. You know their all pissed.
The strangest part was these 80's kinda grungy lookin' critter type things. The only thing I could think of as they passed was that one CSI episode with all the creepy furries and they're....eww...seriously, I can't even talk about that weird shit without throwin' up in my mouth a little so I totally won't. That aside, I'd totally own one of these things.
The Nightmare Before Christmas float was a bit of a surprise. Halloween and Christmas all together in the Kennesaw parade?!?! What? Looks like Kennesaw's comin' around. Used to, you'd only see that type of craziness in an Atlanta parade!
Of course, there were dance troops. I get the biggest kick outta those. Watching all those girls try to shake their booties while walking. Then....BAM....a girl runs smack into the back of someone else, because the parade's stopped and she didn't notice because she was totally feelin' it. She was shakin' that ass like there was no tomorrow. Then there's the boys. Poor boys. You know they hate their mom's for makin' them dance much less in a freakin' parade.
I had a few more pictures I wanted to include here just because of the expressions on some of the kid's faces. However, I'm gonna be bigger than that and not totally shit talk some poor mom's kid, because I can tell you right now, if I caught somebody shit talkin' one of my kids, you'd end up seein' me on the 11 0'clock news.
I will however, totally make fun of this guy who fell....ha! ha! ha! LOOK! This guy totally just fell!
The parade ended with Santa and his reindeer. I LOVE SANTA! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! I don't remember Mrs. Claus ever lookin' like this though do you? Dude, Santa's totally cheatin' didn't think word would get back to the North Pole all the way from Georgia though. Well, let me tell you Santa....the letter's in the mail buddy. I'm so tellin'.

After the parade we went to the train depot and attempted to do a few crafts. The boy was way too cool to do any of them this year, so the girl was at it alone. What was really retarded though was that most the crafts they had out for kids to do would take at least 30 minutes to finish! One of them would've taken a good hour at least. Kids don't wanna stand in one spot and make some little snowman covered in a kabillion little sequins held on by a kabillion straight pins. At least there were crafts for the kids to do though. I shouldn't bitch, but it's what I do.

So, we came, we saw and we didn't get to eat, because J had to have Taco Loco, which is like my total fave right now, but dang that fair food smelled awesome. Oh well. Can't wait for the next parade! As I said before.....Everyone loves a parade!


Anonymous said…
bummed i missed that parade.

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