After Starbucks we went to a girly store called Justice. They have these little party packages where the do the girls hair and makeup
and the get to decorate a shirt with markers and stencils....they even get to bedazzle that shit!...err...shirt I meant to say (as this is about children I should watch my mouth....yeah).

There was one point where the girl got a little quiet and sat to take a break. I just stared at her. All I could think was "oh shit, I am this awesome kid's mom". It's weird how things just hit you sometimes. It was pretty rare to catch her in a quiet moment so I snapped out of it and took her picture. Definitely one for the books.....I got a picture of the girl with her mouth shut. (The apple don't fall far from the tree!)Sometimes it still blows my mind that I have two kids. They couldn't be more different either. The girl is so much like me. Sometimes I just wanna smack the hell out of her, but only because she totally out does me. She's way awesomer than me. I know, I know......seems impossible that anyone could be any awesomer than me, but it's true.
So, we left Justice and went to eat Pizza then came home for cake and presents. It was pretty great. She got some gifts that got "that" response. You know, the response the brings on an earth shattering squeal that turns into a scream and a whole bunch of spasms. At one point I thought she was gonna put herself into some sorta seizure type fit she was freakin' out so much. I've never had that moment, and I'm glad my kids have.
Her favorite present was a baby that poos. Yep, poos. When she told me she wanted it I asked her why the hell she would want a pooin' baby, because it's totally not fun wipin' your own ass much less someone elses. She said she thought it'd be awesome to wipe a baby's butt. Whatevs.....
So, she got the pooin' baby. She wanted to feed it right away so she could see it poo. She started feeding it as the directions said. It was this awful pee green goo. All I could think was that green was totally gonna be squirtin' out that baby's butt at any moment. God knows the mess it would make. The baby kept talkin'..."I'm hungry....I'm full, I took a stinky mommy, I had an accident"....then BAM the poo comes. Green oozin' poo.....

here's mine:
so, i'm misschell & i'm reading your filth! LOL!