1. Have your awesome workin' in a restaurant friend come over with a butt ton of little plastic cups with lids.
2. Find some really big ass bowls.
3. Get said awesome friend to do some crazy math and figure out the jello to water to liquor ratio.
4. Boil two pots of water....one for Margarita jello, one for Watermelon jello.
5. While water boils, set out a butt ton of little plastic cups all over the table.

6. Open a butt ton of jello packets (imagine jello flying everywhere....yeah, I'm awesome like that) and dump it all into boiling water.
7. Mix, mix, mix.

8. Dump jello mixture in bowls with butt tons of liquor (yes, the steamy stuff will get you drunk!).
9. Start pouring butt tons of jello in butt tons of little plastic cups (makes a big fat mess).

10. Me and said awesome friend figer out a way to put butt tons of jello shots in the fridge.

Looks like a fun fun time! I think if I drank then I would be addicted to jello shots. sugar sugar sugar!
Its a photo one...should be fun...