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Three Days Left

...and I'm finally in the Christmas spirit. I've only been partially there, then for a minute there, I was totally NOT there. I wanted to burn Christmas down to the ground. I had to force it on myself. I had to blare Christmas music in the car and sing it really, really loud......fist pumpin' and all.

I had to get over how much those stupid fuckin' reindeer antlers people are puttin' on their cars piss me off. Then we went to see Christmasy stuff at Stone Mountain. That did the trick. Hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights'll always do the trick. I don't know what it is about colorful, shiny, sparkly shit, but it always makes me happy.

So, I've finally come around......and there's only three days left. Only THREE days! NOOOOOOO!!!! I need more! I call do over. Rewind. Back that shit up. I got a lot of obnoxious Christmasy behavior to pack into a small amount of time. Maybe I should go buy myself an awesome Christmas sweater. I don't get these "ugly sweater" parties people are havin'. Ugly? Psht......fuckin' awesome's more like it.

Maybe I should go buy myself some reindeer antlers. Not the kind you put on your car (no matter how Christmasy I may be feelin', that shit's totally for douche bags), but the kind you put on your head.

Ok, so that's takin' things a bit far, but dang.....I gotta make it up somehow. Any suggestions?


suggestions.... go take photos of super holiday things, bake- cookies, yule log cake, gingerbread house. make a wreath, value village has tons of awesome sweaters (or they did a few weeks ago) for under $5- get one for everyone in your family and take fun family portraits in front of the tree. make popcorn garland. Go ice skating downtown at the outdoor rink. have your picture taken with Santa. Donate some canned goods. go get some "snow cream" ice cream at the grocery store- it really tastes like real snow cream. girl i could go on and on! have fun
I'd love to get Jeremy in a Christmas sweater...that'd be awesome and a miracle all at the same time.

I wish I could bake, but with my wonky ass oven, that's pretty much a no go. I do have something I'm gonna make for the party though that I won't need the oven for.....

Thanks for the suggestions!
well then you could bedazzle him a manly sweatshirt with studded snowflakes or something...and you can make a faux gingerbread house out of graham crackers!
Cooking Asshole said…
People put reindeer antlers on their cars? Wow...never seen that one before. Where do they put them? On the grill?

Also I have the sickest, most super awesome Christmas sweaters ever! I rock them from Halloween all the way though March.
Yeah....antlers....on their cars. The put 'em on their windows.....

You should totally take pictures of yourself in your sweaters and post them everyday in December.....that'd be awesome....

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