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Devastated Doesn't Even Come Close.....

I've thought long and had about what to say here. I'm not sure I've still got it all worked out because my brain is still pretty much mush, but I really need to get some of this out. Part of me wanted to write something generic. A few kind words maybe, just kind. Another part of me wanted to address rumors and trash talk, but I'll save that for someone else.

I decided to talk about the Adam I knew and loved. The Adam so many of us knew and loved.

First and foremost, Adam was one of the most loyal friends I've ever had in my life and I know there are hundreds of others that can say the same exact thing. I always knew if we were out and Adam was around, I was being looked after even when my J wasn't nearby. If I ever needed Adam, he was there before I even knew I needed him. Really, he made sure all of us girls were taken care of (and for some in more than just one way.....what? you know Adam loved the ladies).

Adam and I were like a brother and sister in a lot of ways. We've beaten the hell out of each other and stood toe to toe trash talkin' each other. I've always called him out on all his drama and he would always talk shit on my hair. There were many times that Adam would ask me for advice on one thing or another. He'd talk, I'd listen and I give him that best advice I could....not that he EVER listened, but he still just wanted to do the right thing and I guess he thought I could help him in the right direction. I always tried Adam.....even if I yelled at you, I always tried.

Adam had a love for animals like no other man I know. I swear it seemed like there for a while he was constantly posting about another dog he'd found that needed a good home. It's funny really....dogs flocked to Adam just like the ladies did!

When I was around Adam, there were a few things I was certain of....He had my back no matter what, there'd never be a dull moment, he'd flip me off whenever I was taking his picture, he usually always had some kinda girl drama and he was gonna make fun of my hair. I loved him for those things. They made Adam, Adam.....and now I'm crying again.....

The last thing I said to Adam was "You're such a whore". He smiled and said "I love you, Jessica". I smiled back and said "I love you, too". I was one of the lucky ones.

Viewing will be at Tuesday from 4pm-8pm at Wages Funeral home, 3705 Highway 78, Snellville, GA 30039, (770) 979-3200

Funeral will be Wednesday at 11am at Wages with burial @ 5pm in Leesburg, Ga.

I encourage everyone to leave a comment with a few words about how Awesome Adam was.

A few comments were left on the Big Wheel Bitches site and it really helped reading those. I'm sure everyone else would like to read a few things.


Horrible thing that happened, and so many people are hurting right now. It's unfortunate, but if it had to happen, at least most of us got to see him one last time. I know I won't be able to forget our last conversation that day. And we also can't forget how much Adam loved his bikes!
Anonymous said…
Adam and I used to speak more personally thru MySpace messages. We talked about animal rescue a lot (we shared a BIG love for animal rescue) and also, we talked a lot about politics. I swear I have close to 30 messages of our back and forths of getting into it pretty deeply since we both were rooting for the opposite side... But the final leave-off on the messages was something along the lines of "cool dude see you tomorrow!!" "You got it girl" with an xo at the end.

I know some folks don't share a liking towards him for their own personal reasons, but he was always respectful and kind to me whenever we spoke.

Unfortunately I don't have a license right now and can't make the drive to the viewing and services following... But my heart is with all of you, Candi and his family AND HIS DOGS!! :(
Judy said…
Although I only met Adam a few times out at your house, I know how close you and so many of you were to him. Many of you called him "brother"...and that is what he always will be to you guys.

Seeing the impact he had on so many people, was truly humbling.

My heart is with you guys through this.
Lori said…
I didn't know Adam but I am so sorry you lost such a great friend. I know you're torn up about all of this and I wasn't sure what to say. Stay strong, stay positive, and always keep your hair styled in a way Adam would make fun of.
Dana said…
I am still trying to take this all in, but I am happy that I got to spend his last day with him. He was such a great guy. Like you said, you always felt safe with him around. When I was in Atlanta and my husband wasn't there, Adam always watched out for me. I had many conversations with him on saturday and I still remember every word that he spoke. I will always remember his last words to me. I will miss him greatly.
Anonymous said…
If any Southern Car Clubs need any assistance in finding the piece of shit that did this to Adam, we'd be more happy to come down & take care of business, this was a senseless act and we are too feeling your pain.

The Howlers CC of Norfolk, VA
jen said…
I first met Adam back in 2001. I was at the Brewhouse, going through a horrible break up and shitty drunk, and he talked me through my hard time. We talked for a few months after that and then lost contact. Last year at Drive Invasion we bumped into each other again and a drunken fist fight followed. I swear it had to be funny for anyone watching to see me ripping out my fake hair, throwin off the heels and trying desperately to put Adam in a head lock. He looked so shocked when they pulled us apart and he realized I was a girl. Later he sent me a message on myspace because he suddenly realized who I was. Adam was the first person I saw Sat. He got that huge shit eatin' grin and pulled me off to the side to talk privately. I wish I had said more, or talked longer, but I didn't know how to respond to the conversation and just walked away. I never thought we wouldn't get a chance to talk again. There are so many things I wanted to talk to him about, the way we used to, but times had changed and our lives had too. I just don't know what to do with all those words now. They seem almost meaningless now, but I wanted to say them all the same.
Anonymous said…
Was Stephanie Dewar -Hill convicted for murdering Adam? I haven't heard any updates on this.
RIP Adam. I miss you and think of you often.
She was not convicted. She's back out on the streets to do as she pleases.

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