Another weekend, another freakin' AWESOME time. There were humpin' gorillas, half nekkid cowboys, fat Elvis, a priest with a whip, my husband the retard and then me Strawberry Shortcake. Holy hell, what a night! There were so many hillarious costumes!

It took me a while to get over the fact that Jeremy was wearing a diaper. It kinda made me throw up in my mouth a little. Oh god, is this what I have to look forward to when he's like 90? It was hard engough seeing a grown man in a diaper so I'll have to hire someone to wipe his ass.

When Dorothy got there she had already fallen down. She had a bloody little knee and what looked like a poopoo stain on her tookis. That wasn't her only fall of the night, later she took a spill in the coffin.

In the end, Elvis was so sick, he had to leave the building. Poor, poor Elvis.

What a kick ass night. I can't wait for next year!
Good times.