The first and most important is this....
I'M AWESOME! Don't believe me? Check out THIS picture!
Ok, now that that's outta the way, number 2...
I have two AWESOME kids....they're even awesomer than me!And to finish off all the awesomeness....number 3.... my husband. We've been married for 12 years and he's pretty freakin' awesome too! and yes, he ALWAYS makes that face!
There, three outta the way, on to #4....I've lived in Alaska with no heat, water or electricity. Uh yea, I froze my ass off, but now I would give anything to go back....I love that place!
Number 5.....
I freakin' love rollerskatin'! Yep, I much I got my rollerskate tattooed on me! (courtesey of sweet ass Stitchblade!).....BUT this tattoo is ALL mine so you only get to see a part of it! I'd hate to have to skin somebody if they got the same thing! Hey I've done it, but that's their own fault for puttin' on the internet!
Six.....I LOVE old cars! I love workin' on 'em, I love drivin' 'em, I love the smell of 'em.....EVERYTHING! I have three old cars.....all Comets.
Last but not least.....number 7.....
My first show is coming up on the 15th and I'm totally nervous! I have all kinds of cool stuff to sell, but still feel that it's not gonna be enough......It's the East Atlanta Strut. I hope that everything goes well, but I think my Battle Scarred Bears and my aprons will do the best. They've gotten the most attention. If you're in the area come and check me out! You'll see my banner 'Cuz I Felt Like It!Ok, that's it!'s who I'm tagging! So y'all gotta do the same thing! Gimme 7 awesome things about you!
Girl Savage
Ivey Handcrafted
Stevens Happy Accidents
I will get on that - right now!
Great blog Jess!