The weather was just about perfect and I had an awesome friend that came to help me....well....she kinda took over really. Without her, I woulda been a complete spaz. I was really lucky to have her there!
The crowd was a good one. It was a little slow in the morning, but once the parade ended people just came from all directions. I think I did get a bit overwhelmed at times, but nothing a little gin and tonic didn't fix!

My best sellers BY FAR were my Battle Scarred Bears. They were gone FAST. I really got a lot of compliments on everything and heard a lot of "wow you're really under pricing your things". I was so happy to hear some good feedback. You know, you kinda go in and wonder if anybody will like your creations as much as you do. I did, of course, have a bit a separation anxiety which I knew I would. You kinda get used to seeing all these cute little faces looking at you all the time and then one day they're just not there. I know they all went to fantastic homes though.
Thanks again everyone! I hope to do another show before Christmas so I will of course keep everyone posted. I'll also start putting a lot more in my etsy shop, so you'll have to check it out!
but it looks like a lot of fun well done!