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Showing posts from September, 2007

I'm the Artist of the Weeked!

I got to write a short little ditty all about myself for Vivika , an awesome follow etsian's blog ! Vivika makes some really cute stuff y'all gotta check out her store and the after that check out my story on her blog! Here's some of my faves of hers! This lil' spider is so freakin' cute! ...and who doesn't LOVE a boy with a mohawk? .....and then there's this guy, the little alien ninja . He reminded me of a really funny story. About a year ago a friend of mine and I went out to look for an engagement ring for his soon to be (now) wife. We stopped at this great antique mall and right next to it was a sex shop. The sign on the outside of the shop said "COME CHECK OUT OUR NEW NINJA MOVIES!". Holy crap! I had to see this! What kinda ninja movies was this sex shop was pimpin'? We went in and I asked where the ninja section was.......they had none! Whawhat? No freakin' ninja movies? I was so disappointed. Oh was a great thought an...

My First Show!!!!

The East Atlanta Strut was this weekend and I had a total blast! My first show was a total success and I can't wait to do it again! The weather was just about perfect and I had an awesome friend that came to help me....well....she kinda took over really. Without her, I woulda been a complete spaz. I was really lucky to have her there! The crowd was a good one. It was a little slow in the morning, but once the parade ended people just came from all directions. I think I did get a bit overwhelmed at times, but nothing a little gin and tonic didn't fix! I had some GREAT neighbors. They were A LOT of fun. I'll have to post a link to her shop once I find her card. She had some really cute stuff! My best sellers BY FAR were my Battle Scarred Bears . They were gone FAST. I really got a lot of compliments on everything and heard a lot of "wow you're really under pricing your things". I was so happy to hear some good feedback. You know, you kinda go in and wonder if a...

I've been tagged! Now I'M it!!!

This is yet another first for me.....I've been tagged! At first I was like "ok, what the hell does that mean?"...then WAMMMO! I got it! I was totally excited, but there's so much to tell, how can I possibly narrow it down to 7???? Well, here goes nothin'! The first and most important is this.... I'M AWESOME! Don't believe me? Check out THIS picture! Ok, now that that's outta the way, number 2... I have two AWESOME kids....they're even awesomer than me! And to finish off all the awesomeness....number 3.... my husband. We've been married for 12 years and he's pretty freakin' awesome too! and yes, he ALWAYS makes that face! There, three outta the way, on to #4....I've lived in Alaska with no heat, water or electricity. Uh yea, I froze my ass off, but now I would give anything to go back....I love that place! Number 5..... I freakin' love rollerskatin'! Yep, I much I got my rollerskate tattooed on me! (courtesey of sweet...