For YEARS I have been absolutely lusting over the Canon digital SLR's. Every year around Christmas time I would linger too long in the photo department and then finally pick one up and start turning knobs, changing settings and then taking pictures like I was some professional photographer. Pretty sweet. I'd have all kindsa fantastic pictures! There'd be pictures of other cameras, strange pictures of the floor, some dumb sales assistant picking his nose, a picture of a lady that had the BIGGEST ass I'd ever there were some great pictures! (I've added some pictures I've taken with it now that I've got it!)

This went on for about seven years. I just couldn't ever bring myself to spend that kinda money on a camera. Even though I'm a self proclaimed picture whore, there's better places the money needed to go.

Fast forward to Christmas time (a whole month later). I went in the store where I generally stalk this camera and even went as far as to getting a sales assistant to get the camera out for me and I walked around with it all smug and shit thinking "hey, check me out, I'm gettin' my camera!", but when it came to checking out.....I chickened out. It was just SO much money for something that was for me and me alone and I already had a pretty good point and shoot. UGH! I was driving myslef nuts over a stupid camera!

Well, tax return time is here and I will no longer be stalking the camera aisle, taking pictures.....I GOT MY CAMERA! So, sorry Mr. Sales Assistant, you're gonna have to find someone else to prey on. Sorry Mrs. Hugest Ass EVER, someone else will have to be taking a picture of that bodacious booty of yours whilst your yelling at your snotty kids. Sorry Mr. Floor, your days have came and gone. Besides, they cleaned you and you were a little to new looking for me anyhow. Sorry to all of you. I've got my camera I just gotta figure out how to use the damn thing!

PS- thanks for all the awesome comments on my blog!