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HO! HO! HO! It's Christmas time for me!!!

What a month it's been!

Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, awful traffic and pissy people EVERYWHERE! Plus, I had such a slow start this month on etsy. I promoted and promoted and promoted.......god I hate promoting, but being relatively new, it gets people to see my stuff. After all that promoting, I had one sale this month! I finally decided the hell with promoting and vented in the forum about my slow month and WAMO! Sales! I had 'em! Maybe I should vent a little more often! Anyways, sales = money. ALL FOR ME TO SPEND ON ME!!!

AND...this month I finally broke down and bought something I have wanted FOREVER. Well, maybe not FOREVER, but for a while now. The only thing that held me back was a lack of cashola. I have a hard time justifying buying anything for myself really. BUT it's Christmas and I wanted it so I got it!!!!! What is it???? FELTIDERMY from Girl Savage. I know you've seen her stuff. It's always in Treasuries and always on the front page. My feltidermy however is the best ever! It's an albino jackalope! Pretty sweet huh?

The next awesomeness for me this month was being contacted by the Spruill Gallery in Atlanta. They want to include my bears in their gallery store! Holy crap that is sweet. I've had a few people mention to me at shows that they have a "friend of a friend of a cousin" that has a store and may like to have your bears in their store, but......nothing. So this is HUGE for me! YAY ME!!!

So, Merry Christmas to me, and YOU!


Lori said…
1. That feltidermy is AWESOME!
2. Mark your prices up. Just a little, but the way the bears are flying out of there, you need to make a buck or two more.
3. I put all my stuff at Spruill this holiday season and they're nice!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your new sales, and kudos to you for buying something for yourself! You have to reward yourself every now and then for all your efforts...
Wishing you very merry holidays!
♥ Janell
love the rabbit! Congrats about being contacted by the gallery!
Stevie Jean said…
I've got to get one of these bears!!!
RandomNotions said…
aw i love them! they are so nice and cute without being saccharine
mosey handmade said…
hehe that's my brother with the oh-so-cute bear in his pocket!
you do great work, my dear!

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